The 'entertainment weekly' is big and bold in
yellow, connoting happiness, friendly and funny could suggest people should go see it. As its weekly, it has current information, potentially meaning the magazine is
likely to be a cheaper.
With the colours being mostly light and warm, linking with
the expressions on the faces of the main characters, their facial expressions
are mischievous and in act to link to the genre. A plain green background
possibly could suggest to the audience that the actors are the only things that
matter. With their position being on centre may suggest that they are all
equally as important and come as a trio, this builds interest into their
relationships to each other.
Although the title of the film is smaller than the big text
underneath it 'bad boys', it is used with the same font and surrounding to make
it look official and legitimate. With the text ‘bad boys’ being bigger
underneath could suggest that the figure
in the magazine is more a character profile than about the film, the white
stands out clearly against the background. Yet the text below reveals features
and scenes that occur in the film. 'Bad boys' attracts attention, causing the cliché
'everyone loves a bad boy' attracting a female audience.
On the other side of the front cover, the text is differed
by colours making it easier to read; as a result audiences are more likely to
read it. Information on the magazine cover is limited, potentially because the
actors have such big influence on audience to attract them.
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